Throughout this document references are made to software, companies or suppliers. This is done to give credit to products & services that in day to day use have performed well, as good as can be expected or better than hoped. The software companies are mentioned because their products worked well in the creation of this clip art, are well supported & hopefully will do the same for you. Everyone is different in how they use or what they expect from software. Proper installation & a good understanding of the product will make any program a friendlier & a more useful addition to your library of software. NONE of the companies mentioned have been contacted or have done anything to be included in this manual. They DO NOT endorse, or recommend the use of any of our clip art sets. In fact many sell or provide good competitive clip art collections themselves. They are included in the hope that it may save you time & money if someone else has already tried & found a product that works well. You comments & feedback about any product mentioned should be directed to Ray Litman Photo Graphics, if you know of a product that works better or faster, drop us a line. Please take into consideration if you read this file two years from now that some of the software recommendations in this manual will be a wee bit out of date.
The products, trademarks, & trade names mention herein are the property of their respective owners & have been used without their knowledge or permission. The use of the trade names is NOT intended to convey an endorsement by or affiliation with the respective companies.
Art in Calendar Critters I by; Ray Litman & Laurie Kuitunen
Calendar Critters I & MANUAL21.TXT, Copyright 1993 Ray Litman
This manual in whole or part may not be reproduced without permission, except as provided for, under the provisions of the license agreement. Copyright Act 1976.
This manual.doc was produced using Word For Windows 2.0B, saved as a DOS Text (TXT) file.
Calendar Critters I clip art; produced using SPC Harvard Draw 1.01, Corel Draw 4.0, Corel Photo Paint & Paint Shop Pro 1.0 (used for final image re-sizing) & saved in the final format of PCX
Manual21.DOC Rev 2 August. 1993
Calendar Critters I is shipped in a compressed format. We use PK-Zip Products to achieve our compressed files. While we prefer the self-extracting style, many BBSs don't allow EXE files as there can be a problem with viruses. We offer both CALCRT_1.ZIP & CALCRT_1.EXE to BBSs & Shareware vendors so that they can choose the format that suits their needs. From either compressed file what makes up a complete set for Calendar Critters I is 50 PCX images, (listed on page 10) MANUAL21.TXT, RGISTR21.TXT, README21.TXT, OMBUDSMN.ASP, & FILE_ID.DIZ.
The files are distributed as SHAREWARE clip art. The concept of shareware clip art is very simple, you may examine the clip art before you register it. This allows you to decide if it meets your needs in many different ways (beats reading the ad hype on the side of the package in the software store). If it doesn't meet your needs you aren't out any money. (In some cases you may have had to pay a distributor a few dollars for the disks & shipping & handling.)
You must register (i.e. pay the author a registration fee) to use the clip art in any other way. Evaluating the clip doesn't mean to try out the images in a publication or presentation.
If you don't register Shareware, authors have no incentive to produce new or refine the existing shareware.
That heading may be somewhat misleading, but I don't have a better title. This product is distributed as shareware & will be in a ZIP format. If you are reading this manual either from the screen of your word processor, editor or in printed form you already have access to all the files. This manual is not meant to substitute for your DOS/Windows manual, instructions for your word processor, layout, paint or draw program.
In this file the assumption (yes I'm aware of that connotation) is made that you have a good understanding of Windows or DOS & are familiar with the program that you choose to use with the Calendar Critters I Clip Art
If you have specific questions about the software you use with Calendar Critters I ... join a local users group, spend sometime haunting the counter of a good software store, call the help line of the software manufacturer, go to your public library & check out one of the many good books for new users, take an adult education course at your community college (Making Friends With My PC 101), get a subscription to a computer magazine or as a last resort spend some time reading your software's instruction manual.
Having said all that, Use Windows' File Manager to create a sub directory & copy the clip art files to your hard drive under the sub directory name of your choice. File the original disk in a safe place & perhaps even make a backup copy of the clip art files.
Okay, Okay; For DOS users a quick refresher course:
From the DOS prompt; (exit your shell program - Word Perfect sells a nice one called OFFICE) It should look like; C> or C:\>, Enter "MD CLIPART" (no don't type the " symbols)(MD tells your computer to Make a sub directory). You can substitute any sub directory name (up to 8 letters) for CLIPART. Now enter "CD CLIPART". (CD = Change Directory to) Enter the DOS command "COPY A:\*.*" (use COPY B:\*.* if that's where the clip art is) to copy all the files to you hard drive. If you just did this from Windows; Enter "EXIT" to return to Windows: DON'T TYPE WIN to return to Windows (Yes Virginia, Windows is just a big beautiful GUI shell program)(if "EXIT" is responded to by - Bad Command Or File Name - then & only then Enter "WIN"). Type the command to restart your shell program. Your installation is now complete. Start your favorite application & have at it.
If the computer you use is on a network, discuss with your MIS people the proper procedures. If more than one user will have access to the Clip Art a Site License must be obtained. See License Section.
Why Should I Register This Clip Art?
Several reasons, the least of which is that you have no rights to continue to use it if you don't. The 50 Calendar Critters I clip art images are copyrighted to Ray Litman & registration under the terms of the license agreement is what gives you the legal right to use it to produce presentations or publications. Second, only registered users are entitled to product updates for a nominal S&H fee. Third, technical support, this covers answering questions & Critters image manipulation. Fourth, 15% discount on custom clip art. Last, but not least, registered users can purchase unpublished bonus sets of clip art & files that augment each Critters Set. If for ANY reason a RLPG Clip Art disk is EVER damaged or unreadable, return it with $5.00 S&H, for replacement. (This will be a floppy of your choice -- to replace a CD-ROM you must contact that specific distributor.)
I am a registered user of Critters ____: Please ship its Bonus Pack
Bonus Pack $ 9.95
Shipping & Handling 3.50
Total $13.45
(order to AZ state & local tax) .90
Total for AZ order. $14.35
Okay say I pay the registration fee, just what can I do with the Calendar Critters I Clip Art Images?
Ray Litman, the copyright owner, grants you the NON-EXCLUSIVE LIMITED LICENSE to use, modify & include the Calendar Critters clip art in printed, photographic, & electronic graphic designs for you, your customer or employer. No single graphic image may contain more than 10% of any one Calendar Critters Clip Art Group.
You may install the clip art on more than one computer if the computers are ones you use exclusively. You may make archival backup copies without restriction. In a computer network environment a site license must be obtained. It must be in writing & from Ray Litman Photo Graphic - P.O. Box 5031 - Glendale, AZ - 85312-5031.
You may not sell, rent, in whole or part any Calendar Critters image or group. Converting the image to a different format to sell, loan, rent, transfer in whole or part any Calendar Critters image is also prohibited. See Distribution.
The license is effective until terminated. It terminates automatically if you violate any part. You may terminate it by destroying the clip art computer files.
The clip art is provided for your use "as is". User is responsible to determine suitability of product. The media & files will be replaced if it is or becomes defective, upon return of the defective disk & a $5.00 shipping & handling fee.
Under no circumstances will Ray Litman Photo Graphic be liable for any damages including lost profits, lost savings, business interruption, damage, goodwill, or other incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use any Calendar Critters clip art image or group.
One $19.95 registration fee plus $5.00 for each node of the network that will utilize the clip art.
You may feel free to make copies of the Calendar Critters I & give, loan, upload to BBS or associate, after registration, charge a per disk fee not to exceed $5.00 to cover your cost, as long as MANUAL21.*, RGISTR21.*, README21.*, OMBUDSMN.ASP, & FILE_ID.DIZ are included with the 50 image files. All files must be intact & unaltered.
The following pages set out to explain why the images are the way they are. How to use & change them. (without trying to teach you how to use one of 25 or so different word processors, DTP or draw programs)
Why have only line draw versions?
This image set is intended for Desk Top Publishing & communications documents and the vast majority of these are simple black ink on paper affairs. If all you have is a word processor or layout program, your question might be, why are the color images not printing well? (P.S. registered users can ask for & receive just this type of image transform for individual Calendar Critters images - no charge except S&H if they can't pull the altered image from our BBS)
Why PCX? Am I just limited to a Paint Program?
This set is PCX only because our vendors, Distributors & BBSs keep saying PCX is 10 to 1 more popular than any other format. Since this is being setup to be part of a CD-ROM/Disk Vendor/BBS distribution disk and we never know where, who or how the images may be used or needed. So popularity wins. PCX is almost universal in acceptance either directly or as an import file in word processing, DTP layout & draw programs. As an example Word Perfect Corporations (WPC), Word Perfect 5.0, 5.1, Windows & Draw Perfect 1.0, 1.1 use *.PCX files just as though they were WPC's native file format *.WPG. Other programs either use an Import feature or installed file filters to do the same thing. Native file formats can support features that PCX doesn't but don't cross to other platforms without losing some quality or requiring a special file transfer or conversion utility. For most images PCX has almost everything you need. (As long as they aren't re-sized)
When I try to move my image it leaves pieces all over. why?
The image has become un-grouped, either during importing or by mistake. Bring in another copy & check to see if you can group it before you move the image.
I want to save my image in another file format, how?
Use your paint or draw program to do just that. During translation changes my occur to the image, sometimes undesirable changes. If this happens you might try HiJaak, a program from Inset Systems seems to be the best program that specializes in image conversion. If you do this often purchasing a program just for conversion that may be worthwhile.
Calendar Critters clip art is developed using either Corel Draw 4.0 or Harvard Draw 1.1. Each drawing is optimized on a 1024/768 256 color SVGA monitor. The clip art is exported at 300DPI resolution in a size we hope meets the needs of most of our clients. After a Calendar Critters drawing is finalized it was saved in Corel Draw 4.0 format in both CDR & PCX versions. If you are using the clip art in word processing or DTP layout programs you will want to use line drawn clip art for most images. Again if you are familiar with you software package you will be able to fully utilize all of the features to alter the images. In general to change to color in a paint package; 1. select the image 2. use programs command to convert to, say 256 colors 3. fill the colors where you want them.
Output is what this clip art is all about. We want this clip art to help the user communicate or educate in a better, easier or more timely manner. These line images are meant for word processing, layout or Desk Top Publishing programs. Calendar Critters clip art in the PCX format is a bit-map image & re-sizing might degrade the image as it does with any bit mapped file. This also occurs when the resolution of the output device can no longer resolve the individual lines of a drawing. Try to set printer resolutions to; Graphics = high, whenever possible. Set the dots per inch setting to 300 DPI if that is a choice. This may slow down the printer, but the quality will be much better. Experimentation & program knowledge will be the best way to determine how each setting on
your particular application will interact with output quality. Almost everyone tries something new even when deadlines are tight. You live through it & eventually learn not to. Well, hopefully.
What is custom clip art?
Well your company logo would qualify. So would a sketch, photograph or technical drawing of a tool or other piece of hardware. If someone in your company draws a cartoon & you want to included it in a slide show, the cartoon can be converted to clip art. The clip art image can then be used in slide shows, electronic (multimedia) presentations or DTP.
How much does it cost?
I wish this question had an easy answer. We have an hourly rate for art work & scanning with a minimum charge for each. Once your image arrives we will call or FAX you a firm quote. A simple line drawing may run $40.00, a complex color matched image can go as high as several hundred.
What can I submit?
Just about image can be converted to clip art. ONE VERY BIG EXCEPTION:
OKAY, pay close attention to the following WARNING!
Copyrighted images that;
A. You don't own the copyright to outright -
B. You don't have express written permission to reproduce -
Please don't ask or try to slip in an image you don't have the right to copy. In general, any book, pamphlet, printed cartoon, magazine, sales literature or drug company handouts can't be reproduced. Ask the copyright owner for written permission if you must have the image. Send a copy of that written permission with your submission. If you need Ray Litman Photo Graphic to act as your agent & secure the permission for you we will ATTEMPT to do that. No guarantee of success can be made in advance & we charge for all time & expenses no matter what the outcome. An estimate of this must be paid in advance. Most authors or artist want the request in writing & several weeks can pass during this process. Image conversion can't start till the copyright release is obtained.
Okay I own the image, can we just FAX you a copy?
NO, NO, & NO.
We have tried this in the past & FAX transmissions can loose important detail. Plan ahead, send (US mail, UPS, FedEx) a quality line drawing or finished art work in a proper shipping container. If a color match is important, samples with Pantone numbers (ask your artist) need to be included. Otherwise, we will try for a best color match possible.
Ray Litman Photo Graphic Name: ______________________________
P.O. Box 5031
Glendale, AZ 85312-5031 Company: ___________________________
Your Phone Number Address: ___________________________
(1) If less than full drawing needed please indicate with tissue overlay the area you want. (2) Line art will give the lowest cost & fastest clip art return. (3) For color match to Pantone standards include Pantone
Numbers. (4) For close color match include printed sample in addition to art work.
A scan & clip art can be made from a finished piece but the quality of the clip art file MAY be lower that from line art.
The programs listed here have been tested to make sure the Calendar Critters PCX images format do not hold any surprises when the program loads or imports the clip art. Some draw programs need to have the image re-sized before they are ready to edit or use.
PageMaker 3, 4, or 5 for Windows 35MM Express
Persuasion for Windows
Hollywood Corel Draw 1.2, 2.X, 3.0 or 4.0
Hijack Charisma
Ami Professional
Freelance Graphics for DOS & Windows MICROSOFT CORP.
Lotus 1-2-3 for DOS 2.3, 3.0 & Windows Microsoft Publisher
PowerPoint for Windows
POLAROID CORP. Word for Windows
Presentation Express
Harvard Draw 1.X
Harvard Graphics 3.0 WORDPERFECT CORP.
HG for Windows 1.X, 2.0 DrawPerfect 1.0 & 1.1
Professional Write Plus 1.0 LetterPerfect
Harvard Graphics 2.1 - 2.3 Wordperfect 5.0, 5.1
Wordperfect for Windows
Other programs that use or import PCX files will also work. Any program
we haven't tested is just not listed.
We have tried to find a method that makes our file names understandable.
Some clip art companies just number their files. The user must return each time to an illustrated manual to determine what is in a particular file. Some examples follow:
ANGLBNNY.PCX = Angel Bunny
SCRDYGTR.PCX = Frightened Alligator (Ok so we made up scaredy)
OOPSBITE.PCX = Falling Mouse (Some aren't too close)
SUMSQRL.PCX = Summer Squirrel
BYBYBEVR.PCX = Beaver Waving Good-bye
During use if you find Critters clip art image names too vague and if you come up with better or more descriptive names for various files, please send them to us. Please try to follow our naming convention. We are always open to suggestions.
Current image list of the Calendar Critters 1 clip art files.
Along with the 50 image files listed below Calendar Critters should come with:
Calendar Critters II More Calendar Critters Oct 93
Calendar Critters III Even more Critters Nov 93
Ducks, Ducks Our Fowl Friends Dec 93
What do you offer in the way of technical support & how do I get it?
What we offer is very simple, to our registered users we offer to help resolve conflicts in:
1. Loading 2. Use 3. Output
Since we have only the programs listed in the "Tested Products" section the support for other programs may be advice only. We will try to make sure the product is usable & the customer is getting the output they need.
How do I reach you?
3 ways.
Ray Litman Photo Graphic
P.O. Box 5031
Glendale, AZ 85312-5031
Ray Litman
America On Line
Our BBS is NOT a 24hr; open to the public (maybe later) style. Registered users are given access to the number when it will help solve a problem or question.
Please feel free, write to us, to express an opinion, to offer any feedback you feel necessary. We do appreciated it & will respond.